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ROUND38 Finials

End Cap Finial

Ball Finial
ROUND38 Brackets
Discover the versatility of our track systems with our extensive selection of brackets options.
We offer a comprehensive range including, Standard, Adjustable, horizontal and brackets for double tracks.

Standard Bracket
Ideal for straightforward installations, our standard brackets provide reliable support for the track.

Standard 'Horizontal' Bracket
Designed for unique mounting requirements, our horizontal brackets offer a solution for smaller areas.

'Short' Horizontal Bracket
similar to our other horizontal bracket, these are used to keep the curtain closer to the wall and reduce light leakage around the edges.

Achieve precise positioning and flexibility with our adjustable brackets, allowing you to customise the fit according to your window dimensions.
(standard with Surf 80 gliders)

This adjustable bracket projects between 110mm-150mm and gives you the option of extending the track further from the wall.

Double Bracket
Maximize your track system's functionality with our double brackets, enabling you to layer curtains or sheers for enhanced privacy and light control.

(Round38 Only)
Ceiling Fix Bracket
Ceiling Brackets for the Round38 tracks have a projection of 30mm

(Round38 Only)
Recess Bracket
Round38 recess brackets allow you to fit tracks wall to wall without the use of finials etc.
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